Hill gets creative with art
Art can not only enhance an area, but also act as a creative new way to involve communities with Hill.
We integrate art into a number of our new and upcoming developments in a variety of different forms, ranging from hoarding designs through to permanent art installations in the new communities.
At Fish Island Village, a development created in partnership with Peabody, we worked collaboratively with local artists and invited them to leave their own interpretation of Fish Island Village on our hoarding. The “Your Work Here” project resulted in dynamic pieces of artwork shaping the permanent Fish Island Village identity.
By involving ourselves with the existing community, the local artists were given an exciting and different platform to express their love for the eclectic, vibrant community surrounding Fish Island Village. The sales office, which opens in June, will also play host to an array of art shows and a public art gallery to showcase local talent.
Similarly, at New Union Wharf, an estate regeneration development for East Thames Group, we have also been brightening up the hoarding, which residents from the estate can see from their homes. The hoarding has been decorated with safari-inspired art, with lions, meerkats, monkeys and rhinos populating the scenes. We have collaborated with Cubitt Town Junior School for the Ivor Goodsite Hoarding Competition, which not only involved the students with the fantastic new hoarding designs, but also provided the students with the opportunity to meet with Ivor Goodsite to learn about the importance of site safety.
Once our newest homes at Ninewells have been completed, residents will be greeted with a permanent art installation, ‘Cluster’. The eye-catching sculpture, created by Laura Ellen Bacon, is located in the centre of the development so all residents can enjoy its celebration of nature and new beginnings. The art was created in two halves and arches over a path in the new neighbourhood, and was inspired by the art of hedge-laying – a technique practiced around Cambridge.
Keep an eye on our Instagram account for more information about our public art and community engagement events.