Teviot Regeneration

Hill team at community event

Working closely with Poplar HARCA, the residents of Teviot have been fully engaged in the regeneration of their neighbourhood since 2017. A listening campaign gained a snapshot of their interest, support, and priorities and some 80% of the residents consulted voted in support of development. The resident’s engagement also included the selection and appointment of Hill in 2021.  

Resident-led Regeneration

Our understanding of the importance of maintaining resident engagement throughout the lifespan of the project is an imperative. A timeline of activities was developed in partnership with the local community to gain vital input from the resident steering Group (RSG) that had been established. These activities included:

  • Walkabouts – visits to other established large scale regeneration schemes to identify the features, spaces and amenities that residents liked or disliked and to bring back ideas to the design sessions
  • Topic specific workshops – informative sessions focusing on certain areas for resident engagement, including social value, setting the scene, sustainability and energy transition pathways
  • Co-design sessions – looking at different areas of the design of the scheme, allowing residents to table their suggestions and desires, and working with the design team to potentially incorporate these ideas into the masterplan.
Teviot Festival
Teviot festival

A collaborative approach to development

    The establishment of a social value resident steering group (SVRSG) has provided a platform for residents to maintain their input into the social value delivery programme and to hold Hill accountable. We have also appointed a social value resident champion to sit on the SVRSG to ensure the holistic project vision is delivered.

